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Morbegno Valtellina Valley is monitored by a CCTV

The Mountain Community Council of Morbegno Valtellina Valley, Italy, has implemented a project for territory monitoring and fire prevention in a mountain area of over 370kmq., thanks to the integrator CS S.r.l. Wireless Technology.

CS, teaming up with Videotec and Panasonic, realized a system utilized to prevent and control bushfires in the area, which allows a 360 degree coverage of the area coupled with high speed, either in manual or patrol mode, and absolute tracking accuracy.

One of the several Ulisse positioning units was installed on a 30 meter pole near to an Alpine refuge at 2,000 meter above sea level, with severe low temperatures and strong winds.  Ulisse allows the accurate positioning of a Panasonic CP480 SDIII camera equipped with a 15-300mm lens. 

The whole system is working powered by solar panels and is linked by two wireless bridges, one of 13km and another of 4km, to the Community Council control room, with analague transmission of the video signal and digital for the control of Ulisse positioning unit.


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Publisher: Choi Jung-sik | Edited by: Lee Sang-yul | Youth Protection Officer: Lee Sang-yul
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